⇤ ← Revision 1 as of 2004-12-08 15:59:21
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Brian K. Boonstra
The problem
When using py2exe with scipy, you end with messages about missing modules. Some of them may not end up mattering (as in my case where scipy_base.add was missing) but others do, notably __cvs_version__ modules of some scipy packages, plus the cephes module.
The solution
You just need a few includes. Here is what I have:
excludes = [] includes = ["scipy.special.__cvs_version__", "scipy.linalg.__cvs_version__", "scipy.special.cephes"] opts = { "py2exe": { "includes":includes, "excludes":excludes } } setup(... com_server=['myserver'], options=opts )
but if your code actually uses more of the scipy packages, you might need to add a few more __cvs_version__ entries.