Typically when dealing with 3rd party COM libraries (eg. Office), you make use of the constants defined in that library. Once makepy creates the typelib for you, using these constants is normally easy in python. You only need to import win32com.client.constants to access them.

However, since these typelibs aren't really imported, py2exe needs to be told to include them in your setup-script.

Here's how I'm importing the typelib for Excel XP:


        options = {"py2exe": {"typelibs": [('{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}',0,1,4)]}},

So, as you can see, it's an option in the options dictionary, containing a list of the typelibs you need. Each typelib being represtented as a tuple of (CLSID, LCID, MajorVersion, MinorVersion) - all of which numbers you can find in the typelib file itself.