Extending Thomas' "extending"-Example from Py2Exe I customized my Setup-Routine. The consumers of my software are German speaking, so I needed a German Setup Assistent. So I added: {{{ #!python def create(self, pathname="dist\\dbeitrag.iss"): self.pathname = pathname ofi = self.file = open(pathname, "w") print >> ofi, "; WARNING: This script has been created by py2exe. Changes to this script" print >> ofi, "; will be overwritten the next time py2exe is run!" print >> ofi, """ [Languages] Name: Deutsch; MessagesFile: "compiler:German-2-4.0.5.isl" """ print >> ofi, r"[Setup]" }}} The Messagefile for German language I got from [[http://www.jrsoftware.org/files/istrans/|InnoSetup Translations]]. It is even possible to provide a multitude of tranlations, say {{{ #!python def create(self, pathname="dist\\dbeitrag.iss"): self.pathname = pathname ofi = self.file = open(pathname, "w") print >> ofi, "; WARNING: This script has been created by py2exe. Changes to this script" print >> ofi, "; will be overwritten the next time py2exe is run!" print >> ofi, """ [Languages] Name: Deutsch; MessagesFile: "compiler:German-2-4.0.5.isl" Name: Italiano; MessagesFile: "compiler:Italian-12-4.0.8.isl" Name: Ruski; MessagesFile: "compiler:Russian-17-4.0.3.isl" Name: Norsk; MessagesFile: "compiler:NorwegianNynorsk-1-4.0.8.isl" Name: Espagnol; MessagesFile: "compiler:Spanish-5-4.0.5.isl" """ print >> ofi, r"[Setup]" }}}