Something great

Within samples/extending, Thomas Heller gives a Py2Exe script which automagically calls InnoSetup to create a great looking (and perfectly working) Windows-Installer. Yes, really, ONE setup.exe is created which contains ALL stuff to have a readily installable Software out of your product.

also large

I program using wxPython. A great library, a large library.

2.240.512 wxc.pyd 
3.416.064 wxmsw24uh.dll

Two modules you cannnot skip. In addition there is as allways

974.915 python23.dll

giving more than 6 Megabytes with no line of code written

In total:

28 Datei(en)      9.549.525 Bytes  (in lib)


2 Datei(en)      1.011.779 Bytes   (in prog)

summing up to 10.5 Megabyte ... not much with DSL, but... shocking, isn't it?

get it smaller

In the standard configuration InnoSetup compressed it down to around 6.5 Megabyte.

I changed the to contain

   1 print >> ofi, r"[Setup]"
   2 print >> ofi, r"AppName=%s" %
   3 print >> ofi, r"AppVerName=%s %s" % (, self.version)
   4 print >> ofi, r"DefaultDirName={pf}\%s" %
   5 print >> ofi, r"DefaultGroupName=%s" %
   6 print >> ofi, r"Compression=bzip" 
   7 print >> ofi

... the special line is

   1 print >> ofi, r"Compression=bzip" 

the result

4.335.283 setup.exe 

Quite an OK download ... and I use ZODB and Elementtree and pythoncom and and and....



Innosetup 4.2 has 7z "LZMA" compression included. Just use

   1 print >> ofi, r"Compression=lzma/max" 


7ZIP and UPX

Repacking the "" with 7-ZIP saving 357KB (577KB original to 220KB 7ZIP compressed). Note: it requires "import zlib" in your source file to allow unzipping operations.

Using UPX the executable packer to compress *.pyd, *.dll and *.exe Files:

Example: _sre.pyd, _winreg.pyd, python23.dll, unicodedata.pyd, w9xpopen.exe, zlib.pyd 1516,2KB original to 584KB compressed)

Everything together: Original Size: 2093,2 compressed: 804KB !!!

A short Windows Batch-File to automate (see WinBatch):

7z.exe -aoa x -olibrary\

cd library\
7z.exe a -tzip -mx9 ..\ -r
rd library /s /q

upx.exe --best *.*

Automatically UPXing extension modules/dlls

While converting over from prior use of the Installer package, I missed its ability to automatically UPX binary modules as they were included in the distribution. So this example creates a custom command class based on py2exe that performs the UPX as part of the file copy process into the distribution directory. The one difference compared to Installer is that it doesn't currently keep a cache of UPXed files, although it could easily enough be extended to do that.

Note that as designed I believe it will UPX any dll/pyd file copied over, even if they are part of the data files for the application. But since anything packaged up with py2exe is going to be running independently and unlikely to need to share any DLLs with other applications, there's little harm in UPXing anything in sight.

The class below is a portion of a py2exe-subclass command class that I use that does the following, based on a new "upx" configuration value:

This command class was written with py2exe 0.5.4.

from distutils.core import setup
from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe

# Define our own command class based on py2exe so we can perform some
# customizations, and in particular support UPXing the binary files.

class Py2exe(py2exe):

    def initialize_options(self):
        # Add a new "upx" option for compression with upx
        self.upx = 0

    def copy_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Override to UPX copied binaries.
        (fname, copied) = result = py2exe.copy_file(self, *args, **kwargs)

        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        if (copied and self.upx and
            (basename[:6]+basename[-4:]).lower() != 'python.dll' and
            fname[-4:].lower() in ('.pyd', '.dll')):
            os.system('upx --best "%s"' % os.path.normpath(fname))
        return result

    def patch_python_dll_winver(self, dll_name, new_winver=None):
        # Override this to first check if the file is upx'd and skip if so
        if not self.dry_run:
            if not os.system('upx -qt "%s" >nul' % dll_name):
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Skipping setting sys.winver for '%s' (UPX'd)" % \
                py2exe.patch_python_dll_winver(self, dll_name, new_winver)
                # We UPX this one file here rather than in copy_file so
                # the version adjustment can be successful
                if self.upx:
                    os.system('upx --best "%s"' % os.path.normpath(dll_name))

This class would then be used in your main setup() call as:

      cmdclass = {'py2exe': Py2exe}

For a simple project of mine that is built as a Windows service, this made the binaries in the installation take about a third of the size they would otherwise have needed, which was about half the size of the overall project. When built with UPX it was just under a MB, with the UPXing saving me about a MB on the binaries:

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
    979005 ->    370176   37.81%    win32/pe     python23.dll
     49212 ->     16896   34.33%    win32/pe     support/_socket.pyd
     57401 ->     18432   32.11%    win32/pe     support/_sre.pyd
     36864 ->     11264   30.55%    win32/pe     support/_winreg.pyd
     45117 ->     17408   38.58%    win32/pe     support/datetime.pyd
     24576 ->      6144   25.00%    win32/pe     support/perfmon.pyd
     20539 ->      5120   24.92%    win32/pe     support/select.pyd
     36864 ->     10752   29.16%    win32/pe     support/servicemanager.pyd
     69632 ->     21504   30.88%    win32/pe     support/win32api.pyd
     24576 ->      5632   22.91%    win32/pe     support/win32event.pyd
     77824 ->     20992   26.97%    win32/pe     support/win32file.pyd
     40960 ->     11776   28.75%    win32/pe     support/win32service.pyd
     61497 ->     23552   38.29%    win32/pe     support/zlib.pyd
     94208 ->     40448   42.93%    win32/pe     support/pywintypes23.dll
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
   1618275 ->    580096   35.84%                 [ 14 files ]

For a much larger project (involving wxPython, Twisted, etc..), the binaries were again about a third of the size, but in this case ended up saving me over 7.5MB of space. The overall project distribution (UPXed) is about 15MB:

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
    979005 ->    370176   37.81%    win32/pe     python23.dll
      6656 ->      4096   61.53%    win32/pe     support/_c_urlarg.pyd
     73728 ->     26624   36.11%    win32/pe     support/_ctypes.pyd
    280064 ->    133120   47.53%    win32/pe     support/_imaging.pyd
    170496 ->     86016   50.45%    win32/pe     support/_imagingft.pyd
     49212 ->     16896   34.33%    win32/pe     support/_socket.pyd
     27648 ->      9728   35.18%    win32/pe     support/_speedups.pyd
     57401 ->     18432   32.11%    win32/pe     support/_sre.pyd
    495616 ->    197120   39.77%    win32/pe     support/_ssl.pyd
     36864 ->     11264   30.55%    win32/pe     support/_winreg.pyd
     15360 ->      7680   50.00%    win32/pe     support/cBanana.pyd
     45117 ->     17408   38.58%    win32/pe     support/datetime.pyd
    196608 ->     36352   18.49%    win32/pe     support/htmlc.pyd
     24576 ->      6144   25.00%    win32/pe     support/mmap.pyd
     61440 ->     17920   29.16%    win32/pe     support/mxDateTime.pyd
    135228 ->     47616   35.21%    win32/pe     support/pyexpat.pyd
     20539 ->      5120   24.92%    win32/pe     support/select.pyd
     32768 ->      8704   26.56%    win32/pe     support/sha256.pyd
    405504 ->    171008   42.17%    win32/pe     support/unicodedata.pyd
     69632 ->     21504   30.88%    win32/pe     support/win32api.pyd
     24576 ->      5632   22.91%    win32/pe     support/win32event.pyd
     77824 ->     20992   26.97%    win32/pe     support/win32file.pyd
     36864 ->     10752   29.16%    win32/pe     support/win32process.pyd
     20480 ->      5120   25.00%    win32/pe     support/win32trace.pyd
    655360 ->    168448   25.70%    win32/pe     support/win32ui.pyd
     32768 ->      9216   28.12%    win32/pe     support/win32uiole.pyd
   2240512 ->    367616   16.40%    win32/pe     support/wxc.pyd
     61497 ->     23552   38.29%    win32/pe     support/zlib.pyd
   1712128 ->    602112   35.16%    win32/pe     support/chartdir.dll
     69632 ->     27136   38.97%    win32/pe     support/pychartdir23.dll
    315392 ->    105472   33.44%    win32/pe     support/pythoncom23.dll
     94208 ->     40448   42.93%    win32/pe     support/pywintypes23.dll
   3416064 ->   1494016   43.73%    win32/pe     support/wxmsw24uh.dll
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
  11940767 ->   4093440   34.28%                 [ 33 files ]

-- David Bolen

BetterCompression (last edited 2008-07-08 11:27:44 by localhost)