Something great

Within samples/extending, Thomas Heller gives a Py2Exe script which automagically calls [ InnoSetup] to create a great looking (and perfectly working) Windows-Installer. Yes, really, ONE setup.exe is created which contains ALL stuff to have a readily installable Software out of your product.

also large

I program using wxPython. A great library, a large library.

2.240.512 wxc.pyd 
3.416.064 wxmsw24uh.dll

Two modules you cannnot skip. In addition there is as allways

974.915 python23.dll

giving more than 6 Megabytes with no line of code written

In total:

28 Datei(en)      9.549.525 Bytes  (in lib)


2 Datei(en)      1.011.779 Bytes   (in prog)

summing up to 10.5 Megabyte ... not much with DSL, but... shocking, isn't it?

get it smaller

In the standard configuration [ InnoSetup] compressed it down to around 6.5 Megabyte.

I changed the to contain

   1 print >> ofi, r"[Setup]"
   2 print >> ofi, r"AppName=%s" %
   3 print >> ofi, r"AppVerName=%s %s" % (, self.version)
   4 print >> ofi, r"DefaultDirName={pf}\%s" %
   5 print >> ofi, r"DefaultGroupName=%s" %
   6 print >> ofi, r"Compression=bzip" 
   7 print >> ofi

... the special line is

   1 print >> ofi, r"Compression=bzip" 

the result

4.335.283 setup.exe 

Quite an OK download ... and I use ZODB and Elementtree and pythoncom and and and....



Innosetup 4.2 has 7z "LZMA" compression included. Just use

   1 print >> ofi, r"Compression=lzma/max" 


7ZIP and UPX

Repacking the "" with [ 7-ZIP] saving 357KB (577KB original to 220KB 7ZIP compressed)

Using [ UPX ] the executable packer to compress *.pyd, *.dll and *.exe Files:

Example: _sre.pyd, _winreg.pyd, python23.dll, unicodedata.pyd, w9xpopen.exe, zlib.pyd 1516,2KB original to 584KB compressed)

Everything together: Original Size: 2093,2 compressed: 804KB !!!

A shot Windows Batch-File to automate (see WinBatch):

7z.exe -aoa x -olibrary\

cd library\
7z.exe a -tzip -mx9 ..\ -r
rd library /s /q

upx.exe --best *.*