Differences between revisions 54 and 94 (spanning 40 versions)
Revision 54 as of 2004-06-02 19:40:02
Size: 3394
Editor: cache1-2-ffm-vpn
Revision 94 as of 2004-10-03 13:37:51
Size: 4971
Editor: 218
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * RunningSetup A detailed explanation how to run the setup script  * RunningSetup How to run the setup script once you've written it
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 * EvenMoreEncodings They really keep bugging. Solution to problem with different site.py
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 * WinBatch A shot Windows Batch File to fast provide the EXE File  * WinBatch A short Windows Batch File to fast provide the EXE File
Line 29: Line 30:
 * SingleFileExecutable with NSIS
 * OptimizedBytecode How to get optimised bytecode for all modules
=== py2exe and wxPython ===
 * Py2exeAndwxPython If you're getting ''wxObjectPtr not found'', read this
=== py2exe and PIL ===
 * ["PIL and py2exe"] If you're getting ''cannot identify image file'', read this
=== py2exe and reportlab ===
 * ["PIL and reportlab"] If you've read ["PIL and py2exe"] and still get ''cannot identify image file'', read this
=== py2exe and Python ADODB modules ===
 * ADODB package Modules named adodb_xxx (like adodb_mysql) are not added automatically, must be added explicitly
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["Quixote & py2exe"] is a python webserver which allows one to execute ptl files using ihooks. You can distribute your web application with medusa or twisted and hence
you can create a web application without IIS or Apache. I like to distribute my application with py2exe but I can not make py2exe setup script to recognize that x.ptl is a valid python files. Any idea how to do this?
Quixote is a pythonivc toolkit for webpages which allows one to execute ptl files using ihooks. You can distribute your web application with medusa or twisted and hence
you can create a web application without IIS or Apache.

I like to distribute my application with py2exe but I can not make py2exe setup script to recognize that x.ptl is a valid python files. Any idea how to do this? - impossible: ["Quixote & py2exe"] HAM20040602
Line 54: Line 67:
 * Generation of .com and .exe files in one run
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Py2Exe is an additional command to DistUtils, that creates standalone distributions for Win32.

Its home is here [http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/] and on Sourceforge [http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/]

Learned things with py2exe 0.5

[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/py2exe/py2exe-0.5.0.win32-py2.3.exe py2exe0.5.0] is the release of py2exe 0.5 [http://groups.google.de/groups?dq=&hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&threadm=1ebr001fkuq85al2i8c26ejceu8qvedmdb%404ax.com&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Dde%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26group%3Dcomp.lang.python announced] by Thomas Heller in January 2004

As nearly usual in Open Source space, prerelases and beta are of the same quality as .02 releases from some commercial software developing companies - rather full functional, with small obstacles.

I had to "upgrade" also my knowledge about workarounds from py2exe 0.4

Tips and Tricks


py2exe and wxPython

py2exe and PIL

  • ["PIL and py2exe"] If you're getting cannot identify image file, read this

py2exe and reportlab

  • ["PIL and reportlab"] If you've read ["PIL and py2exe"] and still get cannot identify image file, read this

py2exe and Python ADODB modules

  • ADODB package Modules named adodb_xxx (like adodb_mysql) are not added automatically, must be added explicitly

py2exe and win32com

py2exe and Innosetup

py2exe and Biopython

py2exe and Quixote

Quixote is a pythonivc toolkit for webpages which allows one to execute ptl files using ihooks. You can distribute your web application with medusa or twisted and hence you can create a web application without IIS or Apache.

I like to distribute my application with py2exe but I can not make py2exe setup script to recognize that x.ptl is a valid python files. Any idea how to do this? - impossible: ["Quixote & py2exe"] HAM20040602

py2exe and MatPlotLib

  • MatPlotLib - Fixing and including configuration information for this plotting package.

the runtime enviroment



CategoryHomepage [http://www.searcher.cn google排名] [http://www.sooyi.com/google6.htm google推广] [http://www.sooyi.com/google2.htm google排名] [http://www.searcher.cn/web_promote.htm 网站推广] [http://www.51asa.com/index2.htm 英国留学] [http://www.51asa.com/index3.htm 出国留学咨询] [http://www.51asa.com 出国留学] [http://www.dlctc.com/html/about.htm porcelain insulator] [http://www.9sf.cn/new_index.htm 传奇私服] [http://www.njuyq.com/index_new.htm 球磨机] [http://www.shellbitumen.com.cn 沥青] [http://www.better-56.com 货架]

Py2Exe (last edited 2008-07-08 11:27:43 by localhost)